Sharing economy, functional masterbatch, antimicrobial plastic
["Sharing economy" triggered plastic thinking?]
Release date:[2018/5/15] Read a total of[964]time

With the continuous emergence of the new form of the sharing economy in recent years, we have entered the era of sharing, and we can see the shadow of the “sharing economy” everywhere: sharing bicycles, sharing cars, and sharing charging treasures.

Just as this “sharing economy” became so hot, as a plastics guy, what triggered our thinking?

Data Analysis The average daily usage of each shared bicycle is about 7~10 times, and it can reach up to 20 times. Calculated on the hand of 40,000 bacteria per person, it is possible to deal with bacteria on the hands of other people only from the handlebars of shared bicycles every day. In a nutshell, the average number of bacteria exposed to bicycle handles on a shared basis is as high as 800,000 to 8 million. That is to say, there are millions of bacteria that use shared bicycles as transit stations. This does not even include other accessible places on the bike.

Therefore, under the current situation where the sharing economy is hot, the importance of antibacterial plastics has become increasingly prominent, and the demand will continue to increase.

According to statistics, in 2015, the industrial application market for antibacterial plastics worldwide will reach 1.4 billion pounds, and the market scale for consumer goods will be 1.03 billion pounds. Globally, up to 20% of plastic products will have antibacterial functions.

Antibacterial plastic profile:

Antimicrobial plastics are plastics that inhibit or kill bacteria, molds, yeasts, algae, and even viruses that are stained on plastics in the use environment. Antibacterial plastics can be made to have antibacterial properties by adding a certain amount of antibacterial agents to the plastic, but at the same time it does not lose the original performance of the plastic products.

With the large-scale application of plastic products and the arrival of shared life. Consumers' antibacterial requirements for plastic products will also increase. The application of antibacterial plastic products can reduce or eliminate the cross-contamination of bacteria between people and people, people and things, and things. Antibacterial masterbatches, as part of antimicrobial plastics, determine the overall antimicrobial performance of plastics. Therefore, the quality of antibacterial masterbatch is particularly important.

Organic Bacterial Antibacterial Masterbatches Developed by Hua Biao:

It is used to protect plastic aggregates from the erosion of bacteria, molds and algae, and to provide antibacterial effect on plastic surfaces. It can inhibit the growth and development of microorganisms such as bacteria, molds, yeasts and algae. Widely used in nursing products, home appliances, electronics, daily necessities.

By adding organic antibacterial and antibacterial masterbatches, the plastic can have a good mechanical strength appearance, chemical stability, and good processability. Can adapt to a variety of use of the environment, and has an efficient, broad spectrum, long-term antibacterial, non-toxic, no odor, harmless to the environment.

Hua Biao organic antibacterial and antibacterial masterbatch
Improve lifestyle and care for people's health
Building a green barrier for people's health