Functional masterbatch, masterbatch, modified plastic
[Functional masterbatch even has these uses?]
Release date:[2018/5/10] Read a total of[917]time

Where is the functional masterbatch used? How to use it correctly? Many people don't understand much about it. Let's explain some practical uses of the functional masterbatch.
The use of functional masterbatch is widely used, so it can be used in many places. What are the specific applications? The following gives you a detailed introduction.

The use of functional masterbatches is very versatile. We usually use only a small amount of color masterbatch and unstained resin blends to achieve a pigmented product or pigmented product. Jinri produces functional masterbatches and other products. Since the colorant (pigment) used in the color masterbatch is mostly neutral, the color masterbatch has a pH of 6.8-7.3.

The functional masterbatch is a concentrated body made by placing a plastic additive in a resin in an excessive amount; when manufacturing a plastic product, it is not necessary to add such a plastic additive, and only the corresponding masterbatch can be added. Thus, it is the functional masterbatch of today's most popular plastic additives.

The functional masterbatch of today's most popular plastic additives has played a major role in promoting the rapid development of the plastics industry due to the emergence of masterbatches. Its main features are: it can simplify the production process; convenient mixing of raw materials, uniform mixing quality; improve production efficiency and product performance indicators; reduce dust flying and wear on the equipment; reduce the amount of material used to clean the screw during the color change; Storage shelf life of raw materials, etc.

Originally, the functional masterbatch had so many uses that we could reasonably apply it by understanding the functional masterbatch.