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[There are too many rumors about drinking water, but don't do it at 8!]
Release date:[2018/3/30] Read a total of[986]time

If you catch a cold, drink some hot water.

Stomach pain, drink plenty of hot water,

Headache, drink plenty of water,

Feeling bad, drink plenty of water,


The water in our mind must be omnipotent.

Man is made of water,

But drinking water, we have too many misunderstandings.



Don't worry about "overnight water" and "thousands of boiling water"

Many people think:

Repeatedly boiled or overnight tea can not drink, can cause cancer.

The reason is high nitrite content.

One myth - when you praise the old fire soup, how few people consider thousands of boiling water harm it?

The laboratory tests found that: The repeated boiling of water and overnight tea, the nitrite content is much lower than the safe value, and there is no need to worry about "nitrite poisoning" and "carcinogenicity."



Do not drink water before brushing your teeth

"I don't drink water in the early morning and regret to the old capital."

Many people say that to get up early and brush your teeth, drink a glass of water. It's said that early saliva can help excretion.

Everyone may have misunderstood about saliva...

It is best to drink water in the morning after brushing your teeth, because drinking water before brushing your teeth can easily flush the residue and dirt in your mouth into your body, which may be detrimental to your health.

Of course, everything is not absolute. I feel very thirsty if I get up early. Drinking water is not much harm. It depends on the needs of the body. After a person's metabolism, the garbage in the body needs the help of external forces. Water is a good "cleaner".



Don't be thirsty and drink again

If you feel thirsty, you are already in a state of water shortage.

Urination, sweating, breathing... People are distributing water almost anywhere, anytime. Therefore, you should always drink water. You can't just go out.

Someone on the Internet has compiled an optimal drinking water schedule. In fact, there is no need to take time to drink.

From waking up to bedtime, drink water at least every 2 to 3 hours. The cup is on the desk, desk, and backpack. Remember to drink two at a time.



Don't cling to 8 glasses of water

According to the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines of the Chinese Nutrition Society, drinking about 1.5 liters of drinking water every day is almost the amount of so-called “8 glasses of water”.

But this is only a suggestion. The situation is different and the demand for water is different.

When the body needs water, you will satisfy it. Don't be too concerned about quantity.

During work hours, the frequency of drinking water is kept at least once every 1 hour, and once every 2-3 hours. Don't be too busy forgetting to drink water.



Don't add too much water to the water

There is always a superstitious belief in the role of salt water.

Salt intake in the country is generally exceeded - meals are salty enough, so do not eat extra salt.

People who have high blood pressure, heart disease and abnormal kidney function can add salt to the water.

The inexplicable variety of herbs and tonics should not be added to the water. In case of liver injury and kidney injury, it is not worth the candle.

If you feel that there is no taste in the water, tea, coffee, or soaking in glutinous rice, lemon slices, and cucumber slices are all good.



Do not superstition all kinds of water

There are many kinds of water on the market.

Pure water promotes its cleanness and pureness, while mineral water promotes its own rich trace elements and minerals that are deficient in pure water.

In fact, drinking water contains minimal amounts of minerals, and eating just a few mouthfuls of home-cooked food is more than the trace elements in the water that you drink in one day.

Drinking water for replenishment, and cleanliness to quench your thirst, is enough. Others are just business gimmicks and marketing methods.

How much money to choose which kind of consumers choose their own ideas, but the basic knowledge, or need to understand.



Do not drink plenty of water at one time

1 cup of water at a time. When the water in the body reaches equilibrium, it is possible to ensure adequate secretion of digestive juices during meals, increase appetite, and help digestion.

A large amount of drinking water at one time will increase the burden on the stomach and dilute the gastric juice, which will not only reduce the bactericidal effect of stomach acid, but will also hinder the digestion of food.



Do not forget to clean the water dispenser

Most drinking fountains use bottled water, as long as the quality is qualified, it is safe and sanitary.

The water dispenser itself is more important than water.

The machine may grow bacteria during use. If you don't clean it up for a long time, there is a security risk

It is recommended to clean the dispenser every 1 to 2 months.


Hua Biao has something to say

In recent years, there have been frequent reports that the quality of mineral water in the mineral water industry in China is unqualified. Most of the reasons are that the total number of bacterial colonies in the water exceeds the standard, and containers in barrels or bottles do not meet standards.

In fact, it is not difficult to avoid these unqualified conditions.


Hua Biao organic antibacterial and antibacterial masterbatch HB104F

Most of the bottled and bottled water materials on the market are PE and PVC. Addition of HB104F to PE, PVC and other resins can effectively solve the problem of excessive bacterial count.

HB104F can be used to protect plastic polymers from the erosion of bacteria, molds, and algae, and can increase the antibacterial effect of plastic surfaces to inhibit the growth and development of microorganisms.


▲ Hua Biao HB104F, safe and environmentally friendly, non-toxic and tasteless, trustworthy

Huabiao Plastic Technology

Professional casting quality

Committed to the development and production of functional masterbatches

Safeguarding consumer safety and interests

Solve your worries about drinking water

Chinese manufacturing, customer first

High-end positioning, steady growth
